How to paint on a canvas board?

Painting is to draw any picture of a real world or an image on a piece of paper or a board. Painting a picture or an image is not an easy task. You have to first think about what you want to paint? and the budget for painting an image? If you are interested, passionate and can work hard then only you can paint an image. In my first blog, I’ll tell you how to paint on a canvas board?

The following are the steps to paint on a canvas board:

    • To choose right canvas board:



      First of all you have to choose the right canvas board. You can buy it from any stationary shop. The canvas boards are available in different sizes dependent upon the cost.

    • Secondly choose right brushes:


      Secondly you have to choose right brushes. Brushes are the mot important part of painting. They are also available in stationary shops of different numbers like 0,1,3,7 etc and different shapes i.e round and flat. For painting, you need as many as brushes you can buy.

    • Choose best oil colors and turpentine oil to paint on a canvas board:

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      These are also available in stationary shops. Use best quality of oil colors. Oil colors are used to make picture real and shiner. You need few drops of turpentine oil to mix with oil colors so that colors become thinner and smoother. After completing the paint work, you can clean your brushes with turpentine oil so that you can use brushes whenever you want. Cleaning brushes with turpentine oil is must, otherwise your brushes will become hard and you can’t use them longer.

    • Try to sketch on a canvas board using pencil:
      Now, try to draw a picture or a sketch of any image using pencil. Draw any real world, cartoon or any picture you want on canvas board. Remember don’t use pencil in dark mode on canvas use lighter mode to draw a picture.

    • After sketching, Firstly color the background:


      After sketching, the sketch of an image with pencil, use oil colors to paint at the background of any image. Firstly you have to shade and color at the background of an image. Choose best color combinations for painting. Background color should be of darker shade if you want your image of lighter color and if you want your image to be darker then your background should be of lighter shade. Darker shades are brown, black and dark-blue etc and lighter shades are white, light-pink etc.

    • Color the small parts of an image:


      After coloring the background, color the small parts of an image using whatever color you want. Mix those colors with turpentine oil to make color smoother and better. Use different size of brushes for coloring. For coloring bigger space use flat brushes and for coloring small spaces use round brushes. These different sizes of brushes will make your picture look beautiful , pretty and attractive.

    • Color the remaining parts of an image:


      Color the remaining parts of an image. You can use any color you want dependent upon the background color. Use best color combinations to make your picture look amazing and beautiful.After coloring whole picture or an image, let the picture to dry. It will take two to four days to dry.

    • For highlighting, Use white color:


      After three-four days , when your picture is totally dry use white color for highlighting an image. So that your image on a canvas board look beautiful and attractive.

    • Frame your canvas board:
      At last after highlighting, frame your canvas board by using suitable frames available in the market. Now you can use this as photo frames in your house or can sell to anyone. You can sell your art to any selling site. Keep on painting…….

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